Exposition virtuelle : « Transformation East : Lives in Transition ».
22 janvier 2021 – 12:00-15:00
Pour les personnes qui voudraient voir l’événement en rediffusion, celui-ci est disponible sur la page Facebook de l’exposition (accessible avec ou sans compte Facebook).
L’IRTG Diversity, en collaboration avec le Centre canadien d’études allemandes et européennes et le Consulat Général allemand de Montréal présentent l’exposition Transformation EAST. Lives in Transition. Cette visite virtuelle sera proposée par nos collègues du réseau mondial des Centre d’études allemandes et européennes sponsorisés par le DAAD. Le tout sera suivi d’un panel de discussion sur la plateforme Facebook.
Résumé de l’exposition (en anglais) :
« Transformation EAST. Lives in Transition addresses the expectations, trust, and fears that East Germans associated with the reunification process through images and texts. It recalls the solidarity between Germans and their willingness to help each other as well as their tensions and misunderstandings. The exhibition tells of new beginnings and awakenings, as well as of the desire to reappraise the SED dictatorship. It also documents the despair that went hand in hand with economic collapse and the rise in unemployment, as well as the experiences of loss and fears that characterized the 1990s in former East Germany. Subjects explored include the simultaneous renovation and demolition of towns and cities in the east of Germany, the situation of women and families, and a youth culture torn between techno, punk and right-wing extremism. Themes range from resentments to political violence, the question of who has the right to shape national identity, relations with Eastern neighbours, the development of the former East and its successes as well as new social divides that have arisen in recent years ».
Pour les personnes qui voudraient voir l’événement en rediffusion, celui-ci est disponible sur la page Facebook de l’exposition (accessible avec ou sans compte Facebook).
L’IRTG Diversity, en collaboration avec le Centre canadien d’études allemandes et européennes et le Consulat Général allemand de Montréal présentent l’exposition Transformation EAST. Lives in Transition. Cette visite virtuelle sera proposée par nos collègues du réseau mondial des Centre d’études allemandes et européennes sponsorisés par le DAAD. Le tout sera suivi d’un panel de discussion sur la plateforme Facebook.
Résumé de l’exposition (en anglais) :
« Transformation EAST. Lives in Transition addresses the expectations, trust, and fears that East Germans associated with the reunification process through images and texts. It recalls the solidarity between Germans and their willingness to help each other as well as their tensions and misunderstandings. The exhibition tells of new beginnings and awakenings, as well as of the desire to reappraise the SED dictatorship. It also documents the despair that went hand in hand with economic collapse and the rise in unemployment, as well as the experiences of loss and fears that characterized the 1990s in former East Germany. Subjects explored include the simultaneous renovation and demolition of towns and cities in the east of Germany, the situation of women and families, and a youth culture torn between techno, punk and right-wing extremism. Themes range from resentments to political violence, the question of who has the right to shape national identity, relations with Eastern neighbours, the development of the former East and its successes as well as new social divides that have arisen in recent years ».