Dunja Mohr: Material Legacies, Multiplicities, and Critical Hope
17 septembre 2019 – 15:00-17:00
Venez assister à la conférence de Dr. Dunja Mohr, Professeure de l’Université d’Erfurt en littérature.
Au sujet de la conférence : « Taking its cue from scientific research on human implications in material processes and vice versa, the lecture explores the critical hope that lies in moving towards a perception of the human as a multiplicity and always already symbiotically and inherently entangled and what implications this raises for the ongoing diversity debate. Employing material speculative theory, the talk addresses the very mode of speculation, and its relation to realism, the rise of speculative fiction in the 21st century and its post-anthropocentric narrations of the interconnectivity and interacting of humans, things, and ecosystems ».
La conférence aura lieu à la salle Lothar-Baier, située au 3744 rue Jean-Brillant, 5e étage.
Venez assister à la conférence de Dr. Dunja Mohr, Professeure de l’Université d’Erfurt en littérature.
Au sujet de la conférence :
« Taking its cue from scientific research on human implications in material processes and vice versa, the lecture explores the critical hope that lies in moving towards a perception of the human as a multiplicity and always already symbiotically and inherently entangled and what implications this raises for the ongoing diversity debate. Employing material speculative theory, the talk addresses the very mode of speculation, and its relation to realism, the rise of speculative fiction in the 21st century and its post-anthropocentric narrations of the interconnectivity and interacting of humans, things, and ecosystems ».
La conférence aura lieu à la salle Lothar-Baier, située au 3744 rue Jean-Brillant, 5e étage.
Montréal, Québec H3T 1P1 Canada + Google Map