Conférence de Matthias Leanza : « Imperial Nation-States »
28 novembre 2018 – 14:00-16:00
Le CCÉAE et le IRTG “Diversity », Université de Montréal, ont le plaisir de vous inviter chaleureusement à la conférence suivante : « Imperial Nation-States: Sociological Reflections on the “First Age of Modernity” », présentée par Matthias Leanza (maître assistant en sociologie, Université de Bâle).
Résumé et biographie (en anglais) : Colonial expansion and overseas empire-building accompanied the formation of the modern state system. Though empires and nation-states differ in their defining features—while empires are, despite being dominated by a political and cultural centre, rather heterogeneous formations that are often enclosed by extended borderlands and negotiable frontiers, nation-states aim to establish continuous political spaces with clear-cut borders—these two forms of wielding power, defining authority, and organizing communities can be combined. In the course of modern colonial history, sovereign nation-states engaged in building overseas empires encompassing large portions of the globe’s territory and population. In this talk, I will explore how such imperial nation-states can be approached from a sociological perspective. To this end, I will first discuss some questions that are pivotal for a sociology of empires; particular attention will be paid to what I call “colonial modes of relation.” I will, then, turn to Germany’s colonial empire in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to illustrate how this concept can be used to design case studies that allow for systematic comparisons.
Matthias Leanza is a senior lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Basel. He holds a diploma in sociology from the University of Bielefeld (2009) and has received his doctorate in 2016 from the University of Freiburg. The University College Freiburg awarded his dissertation on the history of disease prevention and biopolitics in Germany the 2017 Erasmus Prize for the Liberal Arts and Sciences. His publications include: Die Zeit der Prävention. Eine Genealogie (Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2017), and “Zentren und Ränder funktionaler Differenzierung. Niklas Luhmanns Theorie der modernen Gesellschaft,” in Gründungsszenen soziologischer Theorie, eds. Sina Farzin and Henning Laux (Springer VS, 2014), pp. 155-174. Currently, he is working on the colonial administration of the German Empire with a focus on the interplay of processes of state formation and empire building overseas.
Le CCÉAE et le IRTG “Diversity », Université de Montréal, ont le plaisir de vous inviter chaleureusement à la conférence suivante :
« Imperial Nation-States: Sociological Reflections on the “First Age of Modernity” », présentée par Matthias Leanza (maître assistant en sociologie, Université de Bâle).
Résumé et biographie (en anglais) :
Colonial expansion and overseas empire-building accompanied the formation of the modern state system. Though empires and nation-states differ in their defining features—while empires are, despite being dominated by a political and cultural centre, rather heterogeneous formations that are often enclosed by extended borderlands and negotiable frontiers, nation-states aim to establish continuous political spaces with clear-cut borders—these two forms of wielding power, defining authority, and organizing communities can be combined. In the course of modern colonial history, sovereign nation-states engaged in building overseas empires encompassing large portions of the globe’s territory and population. In this talk, I will explore how such imperial nation-states can be approached from a sociological perspective. To this end, I will first discuss some questions that are pivotal for a sociology of empires; particular attention will be paid to what I call “colonial modes of relation.” I will, then, turn to Germany’s colonial empire in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to illustrate how this concept can be used to design case studies that allow for systematic comparisons.
Matthias Leanza is a senior lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Basel. He holds a diploma in sociology from the University of Bielefeld (2009) and has received his doctorate in 2016 from the University of Freiburg. The University College Freiburg awarded his dissertation on the history of disease prevention and biopolitics in Germany the 2017 Erasmus Prize for the Liberal Arts and Sciences. His publications include: Die Zeit der Prävention. Eine Genealogie (Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2017), and “Zentren und Ränder funktionaler Differenzierung. Niklas Luhmanns Theorie der modernen Gesellschaft,” in Gründungsszenen soziologischer Theorie, eds. Sina Farzin and Henning Laux (Springer VS, 2014), pp. 155-174. Currently, he is working on the colonial administration of the German Empire with a focus on the interplay of processes of state formation and empire building overseas.
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